IxDD Rapid Design Sprint: Creating a Culture of Sustainability

IxDD Rapid Design Sprint: Creating a Culture of Sustainability


Join us to celebrate World Interaction Design Day, presented by Adobe and IxDA. This year's theme is "culture and sustainability," and we'll look at it through the lens of building a culture of sustainability at work. We will tackle this topic as a design problem.

We'll explore these questions:
- How might we sustain ourselves, people, and relationships at work?
- How might we conserve ourselves, our values, our mindsets, and our mental health?
- How might we build sustainable work cultures?

In this interactive meetup, we'll lead you through a rapid design sprint. Design sprints are 5-day focused efforts to build and test a prototype. The goal is to figure out if you have the right idea to solve the problem. We're going to take it to the next level and see what we can come up with in just two hours. Inspired by the design sprint framework and driven by empathy, in teams we'll generate ideas and solutions together.

This meetup will be interactive, so come prepared to:
- Share your video and mic
- Share your screen
- Chat with other attendees
- Get your virtual feet wet in design sprinting!

No previous experience required and newcomers are always welcome. Facilitating the session is Emma Gould, student assistant for the UX team at the University of Arizona Libraries. Emma enjoys contributing her innovative and collaborative ideas to the UX team, in order to help create more intuitive and thoughtful points of access for all library users. While finishing up her Bachelor’s degree in English and History, Emma has enjoyed getting involved with the UX team and the library. Emma is currently working on projects that involve content production and information architecture, as well as UX, inclusive, and equity-centered design thinking.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
4:30pm - 6:30pm
  Open to all  
  User experience (UX)