UA Women's+ Hack - Building Websites with GitHub

Please note this week's session is virtual:

Learn how to build websites with GitHub!

During the technical session, we'll be giving a background of Git, what GitHub is, and what Code Spaces are. From there, we'll go through some simple commands and apply them to make a basic website with GitHub Pages.

All you'll need is a laptop and a GitHub account.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 Show more dates
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Main B201 - Data Studio CATalyst

Every first and third Wednesday of the month, meet up with other women and allies in STEAM for the UA Women's+ Hackathon bimonthly meetups!

The first Wednesday of the month will focus on community building and leadership building.

The third Wednesday of the month will focus on technical workshops/lectures.

Plus, we’ll always have refreshments to keep you energized!