Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium

Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium

The University of Arizona (UA) Libraries is a recipient of a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Program grant. Through this grant, librarians and archivists have been collaborating with UA faculty to create teaching materials using Library of Congress digitized primary sources – the “raw materials of history.” Learn more about the project at our Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium:

TPS Symposium, Friday, April 28, 10am-12pm MST (Arizona)

In this virtual event (on Zoom), you’ll learn more about the Libraries’ TPS project and hear from a panel of faculty partners as we discuss the benefits and challenges of teaching with primary sources, how we approached our collaborations, and the impact on student learning. Students will share their experiences in lightning talks. You will also get a preview of the Libraries’ Teaching with Primary Sources Portal where the co-created teaching materials and primary source sets are publicly available and can be reused and repurposed for your own classes. Register for the symposium at the link below.

Disciplinary Faculty Panelists:

  • Fabian Alfie, Professor of Italian, Department of French and Italian, UA
  • Michelle Berry, Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Gender & Women's Studies & Department of History, UA
  • Victor Braitberg, Associate Professor of Practice, W. A. Franke Honors College, UA
  • Julia Clancy-Smith, Regent's Professor of History, School of Middle Eastern & North African Studies, UA
  • Ute Lotz-Heumann, Professor, Department of History and Director, Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies, UA
  • Jennie McStotts, Associate Professor of Practice, W.A. Franke Honors College, UA
  • Matthew Mugmon, CUES Distinguished Fellow; Associate Professor, Fred Fox School of Music, UA

UA Librarians:

  • Rachel Castro, Experiential Learning Librarian and Liaison Librarian for College of Fine Arts
  • Lisa Duncan, Assistant Librarian & Collections Management Archivist, Special Collections
  • Mary Feeney, TPS Project Director, News Research Librarian and Liaison Librarian for School of Journalism and Departments of History and Gender & Women’s Studies
  • Leslie Sult, General Education Curricular Support Librarian and Liaison Librarian for College of Education 
  • Niamh Wallace, Liaison Librarian for the Schools of Anthropology, Government & Public Policy, and Middle Eastern & North African Studies 

Student presenters: Moderated by Katie Chalstrom, graduate student in Musicology

  • Melissa Acuña, senior in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law. "Women of the Southwest."
  • Yvette Gagum, senior in English. "Zine Libraries as Cabinets of Curiosities."
  • Nicholas Xavier Kolenda, PhD student in Middle East & North African Studies. "State Collapse and State Reformation, Investigating Libya 2011-2013 with Policy Proposals for Successful State-Building."
  • Adrian Rodriguez, senior in Systems Engineering. "The Truth about Bisbee: Primary Sources, Narratives, and the 1917 Deportation."
  • Samantha Storey, senior in History. "Hidden Fighters: The Singers of the Civil Rights Period."


If you have questions, please contact Mary Feeney or Niamh Wallace.


Logo for Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium Member  

Funded by a grant from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program. Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.


Logo for CUES: Center for University Education Scholarship 

The Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium is made possible in part through funding from CUES, the Center for University Education Scholarship at the University of Arizona. 


(This event will not be recorded.)

Friday, April 28, 2023
10:00am - 12:00pm
Registration has closed.