UA Women's + Hackathon 2021
Welcome to our first (and hopefully only) all-virtual UA Women's + Hackathon! This multi-day event is designed to engage our community in multiple ways, and celebate our resilience and creativity in reflection on the theme of Mutual Aid.
Register for the full week of events, and attend as you are able. We will engage on Zoom and Discord, and login information will be shared prior the event.
Monday, March 8, 4-6pm
This year we kickoff with a talk by Adela Licona, celebrate International Women's Day, and iterate on themes of mutual aid
Tuesday, March 9, 9am-5pm
Team formation and workshops
Wednesday March 10, 9am-5pm
Workshops, hacking and Art+Feminism Wikipedia Editathon
Saturday, March 13, 12pm-2pm
Finale celebration including presentation of group projects, bot competition and raffle of prizes.
Supporting Workshops will be offered on Saturdays February 20, 27 and March 6 with separate registrations.
Please see our full schedule at
- Date:
- Monday, March 8, 2021
Show more dates
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Saturday, March 13, 2021
- Time:
- All Day Event
- Location:
- Virtual
- Categories:
- CATalyst Studios Lecture/talk Workshops